Monday, June 22, 2009

Garden Progress

Our garden is coming along really nicely. So far, we have corn, beans, pumpkins, cucumbers, melons, various types of squash and peppers, lettuce, cauliflower, chard, onions, carrots, radishes, and lots of flowers. This is my first attempt at a fully organic and sustainable garden. Currently it is 40 ft x 40 ft, but we have 1/3 of an acre available for planting. I'm hoping to eventually turn all of it into food production, including a small orchard. This "starter garden" is an experiment in companion planting and organic weed and pest control. Everything is coming along very nicely. I will be blogging about all of the different "experiments" we have going in detail in the future, so stay tuned! For now, here are a few photos from different angles.

1 comment:

Panda said...

Wow! I like how your garden looks. Did you find any helpful tips on that web site I sent you? Thanks for sharing Stacie!